Featured Press
Wendy Cheng. “East of East: The Global Cosmopolitans of Suburban LA.” Boom Spring 2015, Vol 5, No 1
Selena Preciado. “LA/LA: Place and Practice,” Getty’s Iris Magazine LA/LA Place and Practice, May 15
Misael Diaz. “LA/LA Place + Practice: Local Sittings of Latin America,” Artbound, KCET, May 14, 2015.
Ruby Fregoso. “The Importance of Knowing Your History” KCET, Education Notes, January 19, 2015
Lucia and Lorena Flores. “Residents Share their Memories of El Monte and South El Monte,” February 4, 2015.
Claudia Palma. “Grant brings archive project to El Monte, South El Monte.” San Gabriel Valley Tribune, January 22, 2014
Ryan Reft. “East of East: Using Vacant Space to Create Place in South El Monte” Intersections, KCET, January 31, 2013